
Online Preschool


Islamic economics and business studies

Azura Labs collaborates with the Indonesian Smart Noble Generation Foundation (Alkindikids) in the context of developing a learning platform for children aged 2.5-4 years called Alkindi Online Pre School ( Alkindi Online Pre School itself is an online school based on Al-Quran and Hadith which is equipped with worksheets and a curriculum in which there is a step-by-step guide to learning stages for children who are directly accompanied by their own mother. By carrying out the concept of #IbukuGuruku as 1 Rumah 1 Guru, it is hoped that every parent will be able to provide the best quality time for their children by #Playing Berhikmah.

In the development stage of the Alkindi Online Pre School application, Azura Labs has a role to develop features that are made with a very attractive and interactive display to make it easier for mothers to input daily and weekly reports. In addition to being able to input daily reports, there is a feature to view a collection of report results and download the results of the report in pdf form which can later be used as a portfolio and if you can complete the mission per theme well then you will get an award accompanied by a certificate that will be issued. sent directly to their respective home addresses. This application not only makes it easier for mothers as users, but this application is also very helpful and makes it easier for the Akindikids internal team to create, collect and process all data as needed.